Send Flowers KELLYVILLE, NSW, 2155 | Same day delivery

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Spread the Love Down Under: Sending Valentine's Day Flowers in Kellyville with Same Day Delivery

Love is in the air, and so are our beautiful bouquets of native Australian flowers from Kellyville Flowers! What better way to show your love than with a stunning arrangement of eucalyptus and wattle? Don't worry about last-minute shopping, we offer same day delivery for all the procrastinators in Kellyville. Let us help you impress your mate this Valentine's Day, mate!

Featured Flowers

Love Letters


Send a love letter in the form of an enchanting rose bouquet. We'll mix red roses for love, pink for devotion and white for the purity of your love.

Fall in Love


They’ll fall in love with you all over again when you surprise them with this perfectly petite bouquet of six sensational roses amidst beautiful fresh greens.

The One and Only


The one, the only. When you’ve found your single love, celebrate by sending this single rose. Simple, stunning, sure to take their breath away.

It Looks Like Love


Send this beautiful gift set including a delicious box of chocolates and delightful bear paired with a vase arrangement of red, white and pink blooms.

Roses for You


Nothing says romance like one dozen red roses hand-delivered in an elegant gift box.

DC VDAY arrangement


Can't decide on a a gift for your valentine? Let us create a bespoke arrangement, unique as your love

DC VDAY bouquet


Can't decide on a a gift for your valentine? Let us create a bespoke bouquet, unique as your love

Pink Blush


Make them blush with this petite arrangement of pink and white roses

Thinking of You


Somebody's gonna get a beautiful surprise. Imagine their smile when this lovely bouquet of roses arrives at their door - for no special reason at all. Except that you love them. You are going to be such a hero.



Like a cloud of serenity, this monochromatic bouquet is an instant classic, perfect for all occasions.

Love You Mum


Make the joy of Mothers Day last with this charming bouquet of soft pink roses, purple alstroemeria and white daisies.



Bright and funky, this bouquet is sure to please.

DC Bright arrangement


Can't decide on what to send? The Designer's Choice bright arrangement is a one-of-a-kind bright arrangement of the designer's freshest flowers.

Bright Lights


A burst of brilliant flowers designed to make their spirits soar! This spectacularly colourful bouquet includes lilies, gerberas and roses.

Pretty in Pastel


Oh so pretty! When you want to whisper your wishes for a wonderful occasion. Pastel tones including carnations, alstromeria with Soft greenery

Fantasia Blush


Put a spring in their step with this beautifully blushing bouquet of hot pink roses, soft peach lilies and fresh green hydrangea. Arranged in a graceful vase, it's a chic treat for any occasion!

DC Yellow bouquet


Can't decide on what to send? The Designer's Choice yellow bouquet is a one-of-a-kind yellow bouquet of the designer's freshest flowers.

Sweet Thoughts


Share your sweet thoughts with this lady like arrangement of pure white gerberas, candy pink roses and soft white carnations.



Bring a feeling of peace to the home or service with the natural beauty of this wondrous native wreath.

Lovely Lilies


Stunning in its simplicity, this innocent harmony of light pink and snow white lilies are a heartfelt way to send your very best.

Christmas Poinsettia


The red poinsettia has been a Christmas favourite for generations…and for a very good reason. It practically screams "Merry Christmas!



This striking round native arrangement is the perfect centrepiece for any occasion.

Kellyville Florist Works

For over 20 years, Kellyville Florist Works has been serving the Kellyville community with stunning, quality floral arrangements. Our commitment to supporting local florists allows us to offer same day delivery and ensures that your flowers come straight from the heart of Kellyville, NSW 2155.

With each season, we bring a fresh array of handcrafted bouquets, ready to elevate any occasion. From vibrant spring blooms to rich autumn hues, our selection is always tailored to reflect the natural beauty of Kellyville and its surrounding towns.

Same Day Delivery by Local Florists

Our dedication to supporting local businesses is what sets us apart. By utilizing florists in the Kellyville area, we are able to provide same day delivery to ensure your flowers arrive fresh and on time. Whether it's a last-minute gift or a surprise for a special someone, count on us to make it happen.

Best Sellers

  • Stunning Rose Bouquet
  • Lush Spring Garden Arrangement
  • Exotic Tropical Bouquet
  • Elegant White Orchids
  • Vibrant Sunflower Bouquet

Wedding Flowers

  • Custom Bridal Bouquets
  • Ceremony Decorations
  • Reception Centerpieces
  • Floral Crown
  • Boutonnieres and Corsages

Funeral Flowers

  • Sympathy Wreaths
  • Remembrance Crosses
  • Casket Sprays
  • Standing Tributes
  • Condolence Bouquets

Located in the Hills District of Sydney, Kellyville is a vibrant and growing town that is home to many families and businesses. Surrounding areas such as Bella Vista, Castle Hill, and Rouse Hill also make up the strong community that we proudly serve.

At Kellyville Florist Works, we understand the importance of personalization and attention to detail. That's why we work closely with our customers to create the perfect floral arrangement for any occasion. Trust us to handle your floral needs and let us bring the best of Kellyville to you.

Deliver flowers Same Day before 2pm weekdays and 10am on Saturday to these areas - Kellyville NSW 2155, Castle Hill 4810 QLD,Castle Hill 1765 NSW,Bella Vista 2153 NSW,Castle Hill 2154 NSW,Beaumont Hills 2155 NSW,Glenhaven 2156 NSW,Crestwood 2620 NSW,Acacia Gardens 2763 NSW,Parklea 2768 NSW,Stanhope Gardens 2768 NSW
- Friday, 29 December 2023
Send Flowers Online with Flower Delivery by Kellyville Florist Works, your connection to local florists!

Ordering flowers online from Kellyville Florist Works is simple and since we only use local florists to deliver our flowers you can expect quality and artistry only found in Kellyville. When looking to buy gifts and flowers for weddings, funerals, new babies or your favourite occasion we have the right roses, gift baskets, bouquets and flowering plants for you. Only quality flowers from the gifted local florists who create your order to fit your occasion. Surprise your special person with original flowers and arrangements from Kellyville Florist Works.

Great Customer Service with Local Flower Delivery We offer Same-day flower delivery Monday through Saturday, during any season. For same-day delivery, place your order by 2:00 pm Monday-Friday, and 12 PM on Saturday . Our knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you with your flower order. For Birthdays, Weddings or sending flowers just because you want to show someone you care, we can help please call 1800 507 043 or us our simple user friendly online flower shopping cart. We take pride in being a small part of so many wonderful occasions, weddings, babies, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, and we strive to make every flower order perfect, and that perfection can only come from a local florist in Kellyville, who cares about the community and the people in it.

For funeral flowers and sympathy gifts, our Advisors are can assist you in that difficult time at 1800 507 043.
- Friday, 29 December 2023
Interesting Information about Kellyville New South Wales

The Shire is one of the fastest growing Local Government areas in Sydney, with two thirds in the north being rural land used for farming and other agricultural ... - Source

LEGO® Certified Store, Castle Towers Shopping Centre • Castle Hill, NSW. Free. AG LEGO Certified Stores. 2.1k followers. - Source

Kellyville is located in the region of New South Wales. New South Wales's capital Sydney (Sydney) is approximately 30 km / 19 mi away from Kellyville (as the ... - Source

This large residential suburb is located in the state of New South Wales and just 36 kilometres of north-west Sydney's central business district ... - Source

Kellyville Village features a few supermarkets and a number of specialty stores. On Windsor Road there's a short stretch known as The Village Centre that has ... - Source

The original inhabitants of the Kellyville area were the Darug people. The Darug were the custodians of the majority of what is now the Greater Sydney ... - Source

8 Free Settlers Drive, Kellyville, NSW, 21551800 116 550. Scroll to Explore ... Community living lets you spend more time on the things you love. - Source

Kellyville is a fast growing suburb in the north west of Sydney 36 kilometres from the CBD. It is in the Hills District of Sydney. Its population has grown from ... - Source

Map directions to Abbotsford Rd Kellyville, NSW 2155. Easily find directions to Abbotsford Rd in Kellyville, NSW 2155 using Whereis®. - Source

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Our CORE values. A few important things that mean A LOT to us ... The Hills Physio | 40a Merriville Rd | Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155 | +61 2 9629 4608 ... - Source

For most of the 20th century, Kellyville was semi-rural. From the 1960s to the 1980s about 900 homes were developed in an area around Acres Road, known locally as 'The Village'. Major developments suc - Source

Kellyville is a suburb of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia 36 kilometres north-west of the Sydney central business district in the local ... - Source

Adventurers is a fun club especially for children aged 6–9. ... Here the kids will play games, sing songs, try new things and experiment, make craft, ... - Source

The Ettamogah in Sydney was opened in 2003 and is located on the corner of Merriville road and corner Windsor road, Kellyville Ridge. - Source

Now, the fact the North Kellyville has only existed since 2018 means that this is yet another new housing development suburb. - Source

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Kellyville is located approximately 35 kilometres northwest of the Sydney CBD in the Shire of Baulkham Hills. Kellyville was originally known as 'There and ... - Source